Save the following code as helloWorld.asm
; we will use function printf
extern printf
; mark label "main" as entry point of our executable
global main
; this section contains all data
section .data
message db "Hello world!!", 10, 0
; this section contains all code
section .text
; save registers on stack
; print message
push dword message
call printf
add esp, 4
; restore registers
; exit with code 0
mov eax,1
mov ebx,0
int 80h
Create a Makefile
with the following content:
# "compile" helloWorld.asm to ./a.out
nasm -felf32 helloWorld.asm && ld -melf_i386 -I/lib/ -lc --entry main helloWorld.o
Now assemble and run:
make && ./a.out
If ld complains cannot find -lc
, you might need to install some libraries, e.g., on Debian based systems:
apt install gcc-multilib